August 23, 1968: Born in Syracuse, New York. Only lived there for a year.
1969-1979: The Drezner family is on the move. We lived in seven different places in ten years.
1979-1986: The family settles in Avon, Connecticut. Graduate from Avon High School in June 1986.
1986-1990: Attend Williams College. Enjoyed it immensely. Learned to play ultimate frisbee.
1989: Spent a semester at Queen Mary's College, University of London. Traveled to Berlin, saw the Wall six months before it came down.
1990: Enter Ph.D. program in economics at Stanford University. Quickly discover that while I am interested in economics, I have no desire to study it for the rest of my life. Transfer into Ph.D. program in political science in 1992.
1993: Bungee-jump. An awful lot of money for a 10-second ride.
1993-1994: Lecture in economics and political economy for Civic Education Project in Donetsk, Ukraine. Successfully avoid getting emphysema.
May -September 1994: In the span of three months, see three great wonders of the world: St. Petersburg during White Nights, Registan Square in Samarkand, and Graceland.
1995: Sky-dive. Now this was fun! Got my picture taken (left)
Valentine's Day, 1996: Propose to Erika -- and she accepts! Did not mean to do it on Valentine's Day, but she frisked me. Ask her about it sometime.
1996: Finally receive Ph.D. in Political Science. Regretfully, my family refuses to salute and call me "Herr Doctor Professor" whenever I enter the room.
1996-1997: Postdoctoral fellowship at the Olin Institute at Harvard University's Center for International Affairs. My parents still do not understand exactly why Harvard gave me money to do my own work.
April 1997: Visit the USS John C. Stennis, the latest aircraft carrier. Land and take off using the catapult. Only year I have ever been happy to pay my taxes.
May 1997: Erika and I get married. 
1997-1999: Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
June 1998: Finish writing my book for Cambridge University Press. Do not remember the rest of the month
May 1999: After years of incessant nagging, we adopt a beagle and name him Chester. Locating the Proper Authorities is dedicated to him, by the way. Andrew Sullivan gets a beagle the same summer -- coincidence… or conspiracy?!!
July 1999: Take job as assistant professor at the University of Chicago. Academic friends impressed. Ultimate frisbee friends ask blankly, "Why would you want to leave Boulder?
April 2000: Sam is born!!!!
December 2000 -- August 2001: Courtesy of the Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship, I take an international economist position at the Treasury Department's Office of International Affairs. Learn the joys of wearing a suit during a DC summer.
Spring 2002: Luck my way into conferences in Salzburg, Austria (see photo) and Tremezzo, Italy. Erika not invited, decides conferences are "stupid."
September 2002: Start the blog. Fame and fortune follow. Oh, wait…..