Sunday, November 4, 2007

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Open Pakistan thread

Hey, it's been about a decade... time for martial law in Pakistan again:

The government of Gen. Pervez Musharraf, making no concessions a day after seizing emergency powers, rounded up leading opposition figures and said Sunday that parliamentary elections could be delayed for as long as a year.

Security forces were reported to have rounded up about 500 opposition party figures, lawyers and human rights advocates Sunday, and about a dozen privately television news stations remained off the air. International broadcasters, including the BBC and CNN, were also cut.

The crackdown, announced late Saturday night after General Musharraf suspended the Constitution, was clearly aimed at preventing public demonstrations that political parties and lawyers were organizing for Monday.

Comment away.

posted by Dan on 11.04.07 at 09:38 PM


Gee, this thread was a real hit.

posted by: Jacob on 11.04.07 at 09:38 PM [permalink]

Los Angeles Times is reporting that Pakistan has spent the bulk of the aid on purchasing big ticket arms, more suitable to stave of India, than fighting terror.
So, why are Americans throwing good money after bad in Pakistan.
Maybe its because Americans are really naive [as in stupid] or really conniving. If the latter, it's being very well camouflaged.

Instead of doling out 10 BILLION dollars to Mush Inc. They could have spent one tenth of that amount on paying off some real bad ass tribal chiefs and have them hunt and kill al qaeda and taliban. Yes, that sort of money trumps ethnic and/or religious ties in that region.
Remember, Mir Aimal Kansi?

posted by: Kautilya on 11.04.07 at 09:38 PM [permalink]

The situation in Pakistan as in the Middle east is far more complex than having the people vote and if only it would be allowed to happen. As much as Muslims are craving one single genuinely "nationalistic", self-interest driven democracy, the arbitrary creation of Pakistan (what was formally smaller sovereign states who co-existed), Pakistan is now a heap of conflicting interests and a truly marginilised diasporic and diverse majority. Musharraf actually has good intentions, but his efforts are quickly being wasted.

The United States does in Pakistan what it does everywhere else. Give a finger, take an arm and sell them McDonalds.

posted by: ghulam on 11.04.07 at 09:38 PM [permalink]

seems someone in [see nyt story below] washington must have read my, nov. 5th, suggestion above.

posted by: kautilya on 11.04.07 at 09:38 PM [permalink]

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