Monday, January 19, 2004

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This is pure genius

Despite my prediction of Kerry and Edwards going one/two in Iowa, I confess to being in absolute awe of this Dean campaign tactic, as reported in the Chicago Tribune:

While five Democratic presidential hopefuls sprinted across Iowa in a final act of courtship Sunday, the substantive discussions of the 2004 campaign gave way to more practical concerns in this too-close-to-call race: persuading voters to devote at least two hours of their Monday evening to politics.

The Howard Dean campaign even offered free baby-sitting....

With the race suddenly tightening, Dean's supporters tried to eliminate any excuse for Iowans not to turn out Monday evening for the town-hall style meetings where voters discuss aloud their preferences. His backers aren't just telling people where their caucus site is or offering them a ride. They're ready to baby-sit.

Deborah Chubb, 41, of Michigan City, Ind., is one of hundreds of Dean admirers pouring into Iowa to knock on doors and urge support for the former Vermont governor. She also runs a child-care agency.

One of the biggest questions about the Iowa race is whether Dean's vaunted Internet organizing will yield real support. But at the very least it managed to identify Chubb as executive director of a group that educates day-care providers--the perfect person to watch the children of Dean supporters so they can caucus for the candidate. (emphasis added)

Genius. Pure genius.

It almost makes me wish that I lived in Iowa... and that I was a Democrat.


[Maybe parents like you will simply take the free babysitting and then vote for Kerry or Edwards!--ed. Most parents I know are pretty loath to annoy their babysitter. But these are out-of-town babysitters. There's no shadow of the future!--ed. Hmmm... there would still be parental guilt -- a force far more powerful than the blogosphere.]

posted by Dan on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM


Oh great. Get home from a hard day of caucusing and have your toddler lisp out "Buth lieth ! No blood for Gerbers !"

posted by: fingerowner on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

This is why I expect Howard Dean to win. His followers are willing to go the extra mile (like the Oldman)---and that's very important in a caucus situation. Once again, this is not a primary! The Dean people are covering all the bases. Only the Richard Gephardt folks have anywhere near this type of gung-ho organization. Neither John Kerry and John Edwards can compete at this level.

posted by: David Thomson on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

OK -- this is taking the "government as nanny" concept just a little too far.

posted by: appalled moderate on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

Would you let Howard Dean babysit YOUR child?

posted by: Patrick B on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

Take the free babysitter - and go see a good movie.

posted by: StMack on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

And you'd leave your child with a totally unknown stranger supplie by a political campaign? Whay not just pick a name at random from the phone book?

posted by: Terry on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

This offer has a huge potential upside and a huge potential downside for Dean.

Upside: Good p.r. derails concerns of out-of-state Deanies voting fraudulently, and there is no need to be anything but gracious (e.g. say that there is no quid pro quo, you can have your child back even if you do not caucus for Dean) because almost everyone who has heard about it soon enough to take advantage will already be a Dean supporter.

Downside: Deanies are not the most experienced or sensible human beings. One shaken baby death, one disabled child injured due to inattention, one medicine mix-up and nothing else is in the papers until well past South Carolina, and Dean is less than a footnote.

posted by: Bob71 on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

I have to agree with Terry. Anyone who would leave their child(ren) with a complete stranger is behaving in an incredibly irresponsible fashion. Does Dean really encourage parents to behave in this fashion? Seems like a campaign issue to me ;-)

posted by: Neil on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

You guys never ordered a babysitter out of the Yellow Pages or off the Internet while on vacation?

posted by: Andrew J. Lazarus on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

Deanies are not the most experienced or sensible human beings. One shaken baby death, one disabled child injured due to inattention, one medicine mix-up and nothing else is in the papers until well past South Carolina, and Dean is less than a footnote.

Quite certainly the most offensive post I've ever seen. You should be ashamed.

posted by: John on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

To me, that seems about as smart as leaving small children with Lyndon LaRouche groupies.

posted by: bubba on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

Is that legal? I imagine it would be illegal to hand out money to potential voters. Why is providing a service like babysitting any better?

posted by: Xavier on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

The Unofficial Directory of Howard Dean Internet Resources launched recently. The site is a comprehensive guide to more than 630 Dean related Internet sites including Websites, Yahoo Groups and Blogs. Visit now to find the best sites for you to join to help Dean win!

posted by: Nelson on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

I'd let Dr. Judy Steinberg Dean babysit my kids, for sure. These are real people, not Washington phonies.

For a prediction of the Iowa outcome -- compiled from 250 predictions by Daily Kos readers -- go here:

posted by: S.S. Pratt on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

“For a prediction of the Iowa outcome -- compiled from 250 predictions by Daily Kos readers -- go here:”

This unscientific poll is may very well be accurate:

27.8% — Howard Dean
22.9% — John Kerry
22.0% — Dick Gephardt
19.1% — John Edwards
3.4% — Dennis Kucinich
4.8% — Uncommitted/Other

Would I bet my life? No, but I would bet $20.

posted by: David Thomson on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]


I assume you are Robin's nephew. I am Bill's mom and a devoted Deaiac(yes at my age). I seem to have influenced Bill and the boys, who are with me on this. Glad you don't live in Iowa.

Hope you and family are well.


posted by: Barbara Blum on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

Thank God Terry wrote what s/he did!

This idea sounds great to people who either don't HAVE kids or don't see much reason to vet the people who take care of them.

The posting about "shaken babies" was unpleasant but does get at a real concern, i.e. the Dean campaign is taking a huge risk with this offer. Quality control will be difficult, unless the kids are dropped off in a largish, central facility with many care providers (in rural Iowa, not feasible).

In other words, like so much else emanating from the Dean camp, this idea looks good at first, but on reconsideration, becomes far less appealing.

And David, for the record, the WaPo just came out with the news that Kucinich is giving Edwards his supporters (okay, officially they're swapping, but it's the same thing). This pushes Edwards into first or second place once the 15% cutoff kicks in.

Curioser and curioser.

posted by: Kelli on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

“This pushes Edwards into first or second place once the 15% cutoff kicks in.”

John Edwards will probably come in third place. He will be a nice vice presidential candidate. I’m sure that Howard Dean will give him serious consideration.

posted by: David Thomson on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

Life can be very cruel. It’s looking like Daniel Drezner is brilliant and I’m something of an idiot. The initial returns do indeed indicate that Kerry and Edwards are the winners in Iowa. I placed, at least so far, too much importance on Howard Dean’s organization. Yet, I still insist that President Bush is the real winner. Dean’s true believer followers will not drift over to Kerry. They will conclude that the “Bush Lite” Democrats have stabbed them in the back. The Democrats will now experience a blood bath between its various factions.

posted by: David Thomson on 01.19.04 at 11:04 AM [permalink]

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