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Sunday, January 18, 2004
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A milestone contest
Today this blog received its one millionth unique visit. Thanks to all for coming!! And thanks to Moveable Type -- if you look at this traffic graph, it's clear that the switch to danieldrezner.com has paid off in more hits. In celebration, I am having a naming contest. I've noticed that whenever I do a media interview on blogging, they find it awkward to say that the name of this site is "Daniel W. Drezner." They'll say something like, "Daniel Drezner blogs at.... er.... the web site of his own name." I think it's time for the blog to get its own name So what should I call it? The Daily Drezner? Drezner's Daily Dose? Drezfiles? Chez Drez? [How about something that doesn't involve your name?--ed. That's good too! How about "The Loony Hack"?] Suggest away!! UPDATE: I might just have to name it, "Sissy Willis makes me laugh" posted by Dan on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PMComments: howzabout "Serious Dan"? posted by: Hired Contrarian on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]If I didn't like it so much, I'd suggest "Drezful." How about "Drezfuel" Since your name is associated with your blog, I suggest you keep it. Cute little puns won't add too much to the 1,000,000 you already have. Ted posted by: Ted Lehmann on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]"Don't mess with the Drez"? Obvious, but too lame, would be "Drez for Pres", or "Oh Danny boy" (and you're not Irish I think). Or, as a tribute to the quality of your thought AND the pictures you put up, what about "Hot thinking" or "Hot stuff" ("Britney watch" would not really do justice to the blog)? Or, with reference to your middle initial, "The other W". posted by: Jane on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]don't lose the "Z". so... Fred? posted by: TomB on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]How about "Not Andrew Sullivan"? Or: "Salma Hayek &c." Or, more seriously: "Demos" (for your pro-democratization stance). posted by: Anne C. on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Daniel W. Drezner's Eponymous Blog, Daniel W. Drezner posted by: James Joyner on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]"Ohh, fo' Drezzle my nezzle-shezzle" "Britney Spears' guide to economics, globalization and pop culture" Too Many "I"s in My Writing posted by: Connie on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]James Joyner's suggestion - heck, if REM can do it, why not Drezner? Alternatively - "Drezner's blog about Hayek - either one" posted by: Al on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Drez Sez.... (Has a catchy sound, and is suggestive of a old fashioned newspaper column. Might make the dead tree guys like you better. And if they start to like you, grants may follow..) posted by: appalled moderate on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Blog name? www.DreznerPost.com you keep your name or how about... www.worthreading.com because it is posted by: Angie in WA State on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]How about "Balanced Right"? posted by: BayMike on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Drezblog. posted by: Beldar on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Don't make a move on this without consulting this crystal ball :-) http://www.wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=danielwdrezner Check out the advanced options whereby you can restrict the search to certain word lengths, must-contain words, etc. Political DrezDan how about doctordrez.com? I think it would make a bettter domain name, too. ;-) posted by: dan on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]May I suggest "Zardoz" posted by: Kyle Swanson on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]"Big Gay Dan's Big Gay Blog" ? posted by: fingerowner on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Zardoz... now that's a weird flick. posted by: dan on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Or: "Ha!" Or: "To sum up" Or: "Dan non-Volokh" Or: "Insta-Dan" Or: "Insta-Republican" Or: "Dan Rumsfeld" Or: "Shaken, not stirred" Or: "One for the road" Or: "WWDS? (What Would Dan Say?)" Or: "Ivory itchings" Or: "Between breaks" Or: "There you go again" Or: "In a fit of absence of mind" Or: "Chicago blues" Or: "Chicago elephant" Or: "Not Milton Friedman" Or: "It's morning again" Or: "My Fellow Americans" Or: "Chicago Civ Watch" "Dah Dee" "Mr D's" posted by: Jane on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]"Dr D" "Mr Right" posted by: Jane on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]I vote for keeping it as is, but if you must change it, Drez Sez by apalled moderate works for me. Keep your name there somewhere, you did it, take credit for it. posted by: Ruth H on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]It's own name? Don't get pathetic on us. If you do this thing, the least you can do is show some dignity and call it "...before the fall" Really Drezner: Why not ask your wife the big question: "Rhymes with Asner" I say keep it the way it is too. Aren't you supposed to be a conservative? Rename it "Quetzalcoatl W. Chalcuhuite." Teach 'em a lesson. How about "Drez Den"? posted by: Scooby Doo on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]NippleDreams Both sound fantatsic :D posted by: BBi on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Under Drez's Fez posted by: Sissy Willis on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]How about - Soapbox RightyTightyLeftyLoosey RightStuff posted by: dignan on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]My suggestion: Tenurable Activity. Say it enough, and people might actually believe it. :-) If not, I'd suggest something vaguely sinister like "The Drezner File." posted by: Chris Lawrence on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]D Blog You mayh should change your handle to that as well since that's what I mentally insert when I read your stuff. posted by: Greg on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Dan's Club Drezner House David Thomson Trolls Here DWD-40 posted by: Devin McCullen on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Picture this: posted by: Sissy Willis on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]You've Got Tenure! How about... Drezner's Laboratory Note: Dexter has a sister named DeeDee as well! posted by: George Atkisson on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]"Dispatches From The Overclass." posted by: Jason McCullough on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]What’s with the W stuff? Just give them the web address of the site. The current eponymous www.danieldrezner.com is near perfect. The W is something of a tongue twister. It also makes our host sound too pretentious and something of a nerd. posted by: David Thomson on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]“David Thomson Trolls Here” That’s a wonderful idea. Dan can even post my picture on his blog: http://www.afunk.com/other/trolls/index2.html Ain’t I just gorgeous? Who in hell needs Ben Affleck or Tom Selleck when you have me around? posted by: David Thomson on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Tenurable Activity Chris Lawrence, that's hilarious. Good one. posted by: godlesscapitalist on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]
How about something from the Elton John song Daniel. Maybe "You See More Than I." Congratulations! posted by: California Yankee on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]I LIKE your first name: You can say, visit my blog, Daniel D ... [Drez Sez I'll save you time on danield availability: How about Doctor Dan, Chicago Dan, or danblog? AKB posted by: Ali Karim Bey on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Whatever you do, do NOT call it Drezpundit. I rather like Tenurable Activity. Perhaps if you translated it into Latin? other than that, how about: Neutiquam Erro (I am not lost, courtesy of http://www.zippynet.com/pages/latin.htm ) Ted K. posted by: Ted K. on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]DreznerDribble posted by: JP Sobel on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]So, how about: 1. "Drezner's Dregs" or There are a grillion blogs out there with snappy clever names. In many cases, the only thing clever is the name. Are you sure you want to join them? One of the strengths of this blog is that it gains a certain amount of gravitas due to it's being written by a guy with serious academic credentials who posts under his own name. Since you are to a certain degree putting your professional reputation on the line, people take you more seriously. Contrast this to my blog: www.RamblingsOfSomeAnnomyousGuyNobodysEverHeardOf.com posted by: uh_clem on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Some suggestions: Dapper Dan gets busy with tha Ladies PenisPundit (still not used!) Wonks gone Wild - Dispataches from Dan Drezner/Bread DeLong Cyber-War A vanishing breed - Notes from an American Male that hasn't been married to Britney Spears (mention JLo for some bonus points) Thanks Dan for you great blog! posted by: Tom N on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]"Bread DeLong"? Sounds tasty. posted by: Tom N on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]in a shout out to your jewish heritage, as well as your hard nosed commentary, how about "the lion's den"? posted by: brendan green on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]I wonder how Britney is going to celebrate her 1,000,000 marriage? posted by: Tom N on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]If hit-generation is the goal, I would suggest "Paris Hilton" However, that may not help out the "Tenurable Activity" that Chris speaks of. As a fellow bloggin' prof, I would suggest: "I Really Should be Working..." or "I'll Get Back to the Book in a Minute..." or "This Sure Beats Grading." Ok, back to real suggestions... posted by: Steven on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]"Eponymous" posted by: bob mcmanus on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Dan The Near-Sighted Proctologist? Danny Dubya? Your Daily Dose With Disco Dan? DeeDoubyaDee? You Down With The Dee Doubya Dee [Yeah You Know Me]? posted by: Nate on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]In honor of "Oxblog", I'd also suggest "ChicBlog". posted by: Al on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]"drezstapundit"! "tenurable activity" has to be the best suggestion so far.. and a better description vis a vis knoxville would be "instapundit north " "dreznought" works well ... or perhaps "the drezstar" posted by: hey on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]"Lake Shore Drezner" In honor of the Colts linebacker, "IR-Drez Bashir" "The Daniel Drezner Show" (Hi Dan!)* "A Conspiracy of One" "Chi-BLOG-O" (oh, wait, that's taken) "Blog to Perdition" "The Seven Words You Can't Say in Front Of Will Baude" * (You'd have to dress it up in that old yellow Cooper font like The Bob Newhart Show's title sequence.) posted by: Chris Lawrence on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Throw these on the pile: "Tastes Like Drezner"
Dan; Daniel's Den? (A little dry, perhaps but...) Insta-Drezner? (Oops, already been done) The Double D cup? (Boy won't THAT confuse 'em! Big topics, though...) Drezner & Company? (Possible legal hit, here) Drezner's DataBase? (shrug) Drezner's Outlook? (Shrug) posted by: Bithead on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Bob posted by: Kate on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]With four suggestions for "eponymous," I think it best you give the term its due and let the rest of America and Big Media spread the word. "Daniel Drezner blogs at his eponymous site." "Planet Bob" sounds pretty good too, but kidding aside, your name is now its own brand. posted by: OF Jay on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Constructive Abandonment? ;-) Drezlocks (alt. Natty Drez, other puns on rasta use of the word "dread") On the Drez Drezervations (alt. Off the Drezervation) Undrezzed DrezDen Drezner Industries Or you could go with The Book of Daniel, Lions Den, Fiery Furnace, etc.
Daniel Your interviewers' mumbling awkwardness is their problem, not yours. You're so good they should name you twice: This is Daniel Drezner who blogs on Daniel Drezner Dot Com - what's so hard? And congratulations on your heady numbers... posted by: vicki on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink] Since everyone else is going with plays on Drezner, how about "Dreznaught"? Or for the comic book fans, "Judge Drezz." You could go with econ-themed names, like "Daniel Drezner's Comparative Advantage" or "Daniel Drezner's Intellectual Economy" or "Drezner's Chicago Style" (sounds like a pizza joint). Really, though, I like the branded name. I refer to bloggers by their names anyway, so having a branded site doesn't bother me. Drezblog. Beldar is right. Short. In review, all I can say is "if it ain't broke, please don't fix it." It ain't broke. posted by: Jane on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Dan: I like um Clem's comments keep your name in there and avoid something catchy. However, I will ask my wife who is amazing sometimes in coming up with names. posted by: tallan on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Always thought a good name for a blog would be: D'Tocqueville Your blog is about Democracy in America... Go for something that reflects your unique take. That take is what generated the 1mil hits. posted by: Ged of Earthsea on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]I know this won't win but I thought I'd share-- This evening I send a link from this site to my co-blogger Arminius, who remarked that he had not read your blog in a while. What he actually said was that he "Forgot About Drez". If you don't catch the West Coast rap reference, don't worry, forget you ever read this ... posted by: Dragutin on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Congratulations on the million hits. Now your various hits can march of Washington in protest of something or other which you find particularly nasty. Call your blog: "The Drezerian Modality" or simply "Dreznerian Modality." Your name has to be included in some form, 'cos that's what got you this far. As ever yours, Hi, Dan. Here is a Web site name suggestion: OLD CURRENCY it fits your politics in a way it also fits your current web design and it should last forever and its dialectic
The Drez Dispenser. (The logo practically Photoshops itself!) posted by: scott h. on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Daniel W. Drezner is fine, maybe take out the W if you really want to. Otherwise, I think "Eponymous" is very good (Thank you bob mcmanus). posted by: David V on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]How about "associate press" until tenure comes through... posted by: Hanna on 01.18.04 at 02:18 PM [permalink]Post a Comment: |
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