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Sunday, December 28, 2003
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And now for something completely different...
I will be guest-blogging at the Daily Dish for the next week. That's right, I'm stepping up from Playful Primate to Higher Being, baby!! [I'm moving up too?--ed. Not so much.] Does that mean no new content on this blog until 2004? Not exactly. Inspired by Slate's Diary series, ESPN's "This is Sportscenter" documentary from the summer, and the stereotype of bloggers as "self-important," I'll be posting here on the behind-the-scenes thinking that go into guest-blogging. Why did I post on this topic but not that topic? What's it like to have the big megaphone? And other sorts of flotsam and jetsam that run through my brain when I'm blogging. Think of it as if VH1 did a Behind the Blog episode -- it would be just like Behind the Music without the groupies, bimbos, boy toys, massive drug use, fisticuffs, arrests, and downward arc to the narrative (I hope). In other words, more like C-SPAN's Booknotes. Be warned -- musings like these can be scary to the naked eye. But it's all worth it -- to the ten or so of you who care about such things. posted by Dan on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PMComments: Actually, judging by the ranking system on TTLB, you should probably be in the realm of "Mortal Humans" rather than "Playful Primates"--you have two entries on there, one pointing at http://www.danieldrezner.com, and the other pointing at http://www.danieldrezner.com/blog. If you take their inbound counts as being distinct from each other, and total them together, it bumps you up a notch. Congrats? :> posted by: Catsy on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Dr. Daniel, Welcome to blogging at AndrewSullivan.com. The first site I go every morning. I think Dr. Sullivan is one of the best. My only complaint with his blog is that sometimes days go by and he has nothing. It sort of leaves me hungry. The ultra-left bloggers (such as Atrios.blogspot.com, dailykos.com, talkleft.com) are basically about ANGRY WHITE MAN (aka Dean Master). You can learn more about them in the Jan. 04 issue of Wired Magazine (wired.com). I hope you will help to show why Dean gets away with his hypocrisy. For instance, before the summer, he had strong views in support of Saddam overthrow. He was on record saying that we (i.e., US) should NOT base their foreign policy based on French. But, now he has changed. The summer he realized that he "had" to be different than Kerry, Gephardt, Edwards, Lieberman, et al. He chose to be "new" McCain and become anti-war. No one has followed up on this other than Kausfiles.com. Why? Why is Dean getting a pass on his hypocrisy? Also, on CNN with Judy W. he said he did care much of religion. Now, this weekend, he has "discovered" Jesus. Why no analysis? I mean is this what freedom of press is about, giving liberals a free pass? I am not a liberal - I am a progressive. I like to move forward, not left or right. But, the press bias is one reason why I am not a Democrat. Anyway, I look forward to your insightful analysis. Sincerely, Just don't forget us little people ... er, little primates ... now that you've made it to the top ... posted by: Josh Chafetz on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Ahem... that's "Mr. Drezner" to you, Josh. Lowly primates..... posted by: Dan Drezner on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Just "Mr."? Not "Dr." or "Professor" or "Grand High Pundit"? posted by: Josh Chafetz on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Please no entries on Dean's "Godlessness" or AndroGel. Can you take over at The Corner for a while? They need some dramatic improvement too. posted by: GFW on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Just make sure that you 'say' your name very loudly and clearly at the beginning of each of your posts: otherwise, Andrew Sullivan will get a whole bunch of emails assuming that he wrote your posts (or you'll get a lot of emails calling you Andrew Sullivan). Trust me on this. :) Moe PS Good luck! posted by: Moe Lane on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Ah, yet another otherwise good comments section where I have to listen to Ali Karim Bey's raving. Splendid. Your froth against Dean is well-documented at dKos, Bey, and I guess I shouldn't be suprised that you're importing it to a conservative blog, where it will no doubt be more warmly received. As usual, though, it leaves much to be desired factually. To pick out the most glaring lie: Now, this weekend, he has "discovered" Jesus. Why no analysis? It's clear that your only source of facts on this is the Boston Globe article, or some right-wing pundit relying on such. You treat this as if it were a new development--it's not. Dean didn't "discover Jesus" this weekend. The only people really surprised about the fact that he's a Christian are those who've been listening to the right-wing spin that Dean is "anti-religious". New Englanders are, in general, more private about their faith, and so it's easy to see where this misconception comes from. But Dean has, in fact, talked about his religion on several other occasions before this. The only way this can be spun as something new and tawdry is if you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for mud to sling at Dean. As for the Judy Woodruff interview, I'd be very interested in hearing where you got the impression Dean said he didn't care much for religion. First of all, Judy is a hack--she tried really hard to trip Dean up on a number of subjects, and he was consistently reasonable in his responses. And if we're thinking of the same interview, then to put it bluntly, you're spreading misinformation. Try again, but this time with facts. posted by: Catsy on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]I visit Andrew Sullivan’s blog on a daily basis. He even receives enough money from me so that I’m e-mailed his special newsletter. Why does Sullivan, though, make my life so complicated? The fact that he earned his doctorate at Harvard University forces me to acknowledge that not everyone associated with this school is a total knee-jerk liberal idiot. I prefer my prejudices to remain simplistic and unchallenged. It's far easier to just hate anyone who ever attended Harvard. Gosh, what am I suppose to do? I am running out of people to unambiguously despise now that Saddam Hussein has been captured. posted by: David Thomson on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Hi, Dan, and thanks for being part of my morning read-Andrew ritual. I have one technical request: when you embed a link for us to click to, please configure it so that the link opens in a new window rather than replacing the Daily Dish window. That's how Andrew does it (sorry, I have no idea how), and it makes it easier to return to the Dish page. Thanks, Catsy, (First, Dr. Daniel, great postings on AndrewSullivan.com. Keep it up!) Anyone who "questions" Dean Master fans, such as you, is a "hack". Judy Woodruff dissects every GOP candidate in the nation. She is pro-Democratic reporter. She "questioned" your Dean Master and you are nervous. But, you fail to answer the anti-war change this summer when your Dean Master wanted to be different than rest of the pack. Again, standard liberal-hypocrite defense. When "questioned" resort to name-calling and avoid the core issue by side-stepping. Yes, he was ruthless against religious people in CNN interview and now he has found a new way to respect Jesus. You people, Dean Master fans, are beyond critical thinking. No wonder most progressives are not Democrats. Ali Karim Bey I think it’s safe to assume that Earl Black of Rice University, a specialist in southern politics, would say that Howard Dean is wasting his time with the God talk. This would make sense in the primaries only if he were seeking the votes of conservative white voters. However, this is an unachievable goal. Why is this? Those particular Democrats, assets Professor Black, have long ago left the Party. They are now Republicans. The remaining Southern Democrats are the stark raving nutballs. Religious issues are nowhere near as important as those promoting the welfare state and affirmative action. posted by: David Thomson on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Sullivan's was the first blog I ever happened upon, but I stopped reading it when I discovered other blogs that were not crap. He should thank you for bumping up is popularity by at least one reader for a week. And off I go. posted by: David on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Catsy, Since you wanted to know more about Dean Master's religion, let me just point you to an expert commentary at: http://tnr.com/deanophobe.mhtml I would like to hear more about your Dean Master's anti-war status to separate from rest of the pack. Looking forward to hear from ya! Ali Karim Bey AKB- Where were you educated? I'd ask for your money back, if I were you. posted by: Rufus on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Expert commentary, Bey? You consistently mischaracterize Dean's religious views, and when challenged to provide facts to back up your assertions, you point me at the weblog of that most rabid, biased of Dean-haters, Chait--and have the temerity to call him "expert commentary"? When his post talking about Dean's religion was just as devoid of facts as yours? You, sir, are not to be taken seriously. posted by: Catsy on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Congrats on your guest blogging gig, although the concept of guest blogging makes me a little squeamish. Aren't guest apperances on TV shows usualy a sign that the show is in trouble? posted by: Zach on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Catsy, Let us take a detour for now about Dean Master's view on religion. How about addressing the other issue. You know, the change to anti-war to separate from the pack. What do you say? Go for it. (PS: Dr. Chait is one of the most objective liberal bloggers, just like Dr. Daniel or Dr. Sullivan or Dr. Kaus. He is objective - and not a Dean Master fan like you - and that is what scares you. Ain't that the fact.) Ali Karim Bey Just "Mr."? Not "Dr." or "Professor" or "Grand High Pundit"? He's a U of C prof. You're only a "Dr." around here if you're an MD. Professor sometimes, but usually "Mr." or "Ms." will do. First-name-basis if it's a creepy old dude lookin' to score with an undergrad. posted by: Independant George on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]Think of it as if VH1 did a Behind the Blog episode -- it would be just like Behind the Music without the groupies, bimbos, boy toys, massive drug use, fisticuffs, arrests, and downward arc to the narrative (I hope). In other words, more like C-SPAN's Booknotes. Daniel, does this mean Brian Lamb will be guest-blogging at your site this week? posted by: John on 12.28.03 at 03:06 PM [permalink]All, While we know Dean Master is true flip-flop artist (see, for another example, NYT op-ed by W.S., 12/29), it is amazing to me how his campaign HQ is getting people (simple grannies) to max-out their credit cards. http://blogaction.deanforamerica.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/2474 On one hand I am very concerned (about simple folks being taken up by the Angry White Man campaign - this sort of connects to the Burning Man campaign held in the desert each year), but on the other hand I must hats-off to Dean Master for being a modern-day con artist. When someone says I cannot give another time to the Dean campaign, you know you got people hooked on giving money as they would be on snooting coke. Ali Karim Bey Post a Comment: |
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