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Thursday, November 27, 2003
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Here's Johnny!!!
All blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy...... all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play makes Dan a dull boy....all blog and no play ma----- [All right, that does it, you're taking a break for Thanksgiving! I am not going to be the Shelley Duvall character in this production!--ed. Yes.... yes, that may be for the best.] A happy Thanksgiving to one and all! UPDATE: Looks like American troops in Baghdad got an extra special Thanksgiving treat. Bravo for a class act. ANOTHER UPDATE: Here's my reply to Brian Leiter's moronic hyperbole, and here's a more substantive response to Matthew Yglesias on the merits of the trip. posted by Dan on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AMComments: ummmmmm.... Dan? Put down the turkey carving knife, Dan... posted by: Jacob T. Levy on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]Happy Thanksgiving, Dan! posted by: Jesurgislac on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]Don't hold it in, tell us how you really feel. Happy holiday to you. posted by: Dick Thompson on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]Hope everybody is having a Happy Thanksgiving. God bless. posted by: David Thomson on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]Bravo for a class act Or a shabby show. Depending on how gullible you are. posted by: Pretentius on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]Prententius you definitely are. The troops loved it that is all that counts. It was for them, not you! posted by: capt joe on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]The troops loved it that is all that counts. It was for them, not you! Crap. It was for fools like you. Seems it worked. posted by: Pretentius on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]Boo-hoo boo-hoo Now you will have him for another 4 years. better go buy another lot of teeth guards so you have something to grind on. ;) posted by: capt joe on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]Boo-hoo boo-hoo Now you will have him for another 4 years. So you think that the fact that we are a nation of idiots is a good thing? Strange. I'm no Bush guy, but I think what he did was totally cool. Nice job Mr. President. I'm no Bush guy, but I think what he did was totally cool. Nice job Mr. President. Bad theater sucks. Likewise admirers thereof. posted by: Pretentius on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]What the President did in Iraq was bold, calculated, spoke more in deeds than it promised in words, and was executed well - in short everything that the rest of his Administration has been so far not. If the President was capable of governing consistently like this, I'd be voting for him myself. He is Herbert Bush's son one must remember. It would be astonishing if a little bit of the true grit didn't pass on through. Whether it's sufficient to help him turn his so far troubled Presidency around however doesn't seem likely. GW Bush seems most inspired when it comes to one-off PR moves in line with his days as head cheerleader at school. Right now we need a Commander in Chief and not a great cheerleader. posted by: Oldman on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]. He is Herbert Bush's son one must remember. It would be astonishing if a little bit of the true grit didn't pass on through. How could we forget. GHWB was complicit in Iran/Contra and instrumental in the October surprise. Not grit perhaps, but dirt. It WOULD be astonishing if it didn't pass on through. posted by: Pretentius on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink] When Clinton went to Kosovo for Thanksgiving in 1999, the troops greeted him enthusiastically. And get this - so did the people of Kosovo. There were crowds in the streets and pro-Clinton graffiti on the walls. Just ask the Voice of America: "Mr. Clinton is hugely popular with the ethnic-Albanians in Kosovo -- who now make up nearly the entire population of the province. While in Kosovo, the President is expected to speak to some of the six-thousand U-S troops taking part in the NATO-led peacekeeping force in the province. Mr. Clinton's visit to Kosovo comes after a number of other high-level Western officials have journeyed to Kosovo. They include Secretary of State Madeline Albright and U-S Ambassador to the United Nations, Richard Holbrooke." And did locals use rocket grenades to attack the hotels they stayed in? There's the right way to run an intervention, and then there's the Bush way. posted by: Doug on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]Laughing out loud at preten-ti-us living up to his name! There is plenty of substantive ammo with which to blast this President, but Pre chooses instead to sneer at other posters (while preening) - like an immature HS kid who thinks he knows something, but does not. posted by: Mac on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]Prenten, my man - you're on the wrong side of the question when the Oldman has to school you on the particular actions of W. But then again, only those of us that have been around here for a while before we decided to start mouthing-off would know that.
Aha! This goes a long way in explaining where your Salam/Lileks post came from. Happy Thanksgiving, and don't forget the lobster bib. posted by: DennisThePeasant on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]My Happy Thanksgiving wish to you, too, Dan. Prenten, my man - you're on the wrong side of the question when the Oldman has to school you on the particular actions of W. Musty have missed the class. Where was I "schooled"? But then again, only those of us that have been around here for a while before we decided to start mouthing-off would know that. Why do you think I've just arrived? Simply because I haven't posted previously? As for GHWB, it seems Oldman only read the hagiography. I remember the GHWB administration quite clearly. I didn't like it then, and still don't. posted by: Pretentius on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]I would have been a lot more impressed if the politician known for making statements such as "bring them on" hadn't sneaked into Iraq through the back door. At least "Wolfie" Wolfowitz had the balls to announce his visit to the world -- and the terrorists -- in advance. Given the extremely tight security surrounding the U.S. President at all times, it seems the White House might just as well make an official visit if they think there is a need for "rallying the troops" at home as well as abroad. MARCU$ posted by: Marcus Lindroos on 11.27.03 at 07:50 AM [permalink]Post a Comment: |
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